Tag Archives: secret support sisters

Month of Positivity- Day 4



November 4, 2013

Yesterday I struggled a bit. My hands have been hurting more than average the past few days. Yes, I overdid it last week. Yes, there is stormy cold weather happening. Yes, these things could have triggered a flare. Yes, my hands hurt worse during a flare.

None of that stops me from worrying. None of that stops the nagging reminder that tells me that each bout of inflammation runs the risk of irreparable damage to my joints. The kind of damage that could take away the use of my hands.

It’s my greatest fear, to lose my hands. I use them for so much of my daily life.

In the midst of an anxiety riddled day, I went to check my mail. And I received a lovely treat!

My friend Jamee over at A New Kind of Normal is hosting a group of Secret Support Sisters. I signed up last month because it sounded like a stellar idea. (It is a blast! Y’all should totally sign up next time around!) Yesterday my box of encouragement came and it was CHOCOLATES! Y’all, it is the smoothest, richest chocolate I’ve ever tasted.

Of course I opened it and tried it right away, what kind of person do you think I am??

I’m thankful I stumbled across Jamee on the tweeter machine and saw her post about SSS. I’m thankful I took a leap of faith and joined. I’m especially thankful my support sister sent the yummiest chocolates ever and that they arrived on a day  when I needed a little sunshine.

I have grand ideas for my own Secret Support Sister’s November box of goodies, which will be my way of continuing to pay the love forward. I’ve also shared the yummy chocolate with my fiance because he’s wonderful.

My self-care yesterday was simply being kind to myself. I tried to rest my hands throughout the day and used my handy-dandy stylus instead of trying to force my fingers to cooperate and getting frustrated when they didn’t. Tonight we’ll be checking into hand/wrist braces to try to reduce some of the impact on my hands. It’s better to be proactive than reactive, right?

I’ve also jumped on the #gratitude30 bandwagon on Instagram. It’s just another way to take time to focus on the happy. If you’re focusing on gratitude, please share your link in the comments so I can follow along! Also, feel free to snag my Month of Positivity photo to tag back to me.